Whether its School Governors, Academy head office staff, partners providing lunch time clubs and sporting opportunities, other teachers attending training or parents attending meetings, assemblies, reading mornings or school visits, school visitor numbers can be surprisingly high.
Office staff, who are often busy with the administration a school requires need to ensure that visitors are met in a friendly and professional manner. With potential safe-guarding impacts if unknown people are on site the importance of this welcome cannot be under-estimated.
U-Visit can help with its seamless registration experience for all visitors. Visitors can be encouraged to quickly and securely self-register their details. There is no paper or pen involved, and risks of infection and data loss are reduced. The signing in process, particularly for larger groups is much quicker and regular visitors can save a profile on their phone to enable the sign in process to take seconds. At any time, School Admin staff can view who has visited and who is on site in the U-Visit portal. They can manually register visitors here if required and sign out anyone as they leave. Self service sign out is also available if required. Enquire today to find out how U-Visit can help you.