Simple, Faster, Safer for Visitors and Receptions.
U-Visit is used in care homes, schools and offices to manage their visitor sign in and sign out. Watch this video to see how easy U-Visit is to use for Visitors, contractors and Reception
For visitors there are no queues, no shared touchpoints with others - signing in can be done from your own phone.
For receptionists, interactions can take place at a safe distance, there is no visitors book to manage and details of who is on site are easily visible in the easy to use U-Visit portal.
U-visit has been built to adapt and evolve as your business grows. Our features and contactless technology
is perfect for a range of industries including Education, Healthcare & Professional Services
Visitors sign in using their own smartphone by scanning your organisation's U-Visit QR code.
No setup or IT support required. Contactless, infrastructure that's free, secure & cloud-based
No personally identifiable information held in physical visitors books.
As soon as a visitor signs in, their details appear in real-time on your U-Visit portal
U-Visit is configured to capture and hold only the information you require for as long as you need.
No contact or close interactions required, reducing infection risks for colleagues and visitors.
It takes under 1 minute to check-in on U-Visit.
With a single annual payment and flexible upgrade options, we promise not to break the bank.
U-visit provides several schools and Professional Services companies with contactless visitor management solutions
Our powerful tool allows you to see in real time the number of contractors on premisis.